prepare a report

美 [prɪˈper ə rɪˈpɔːrt]英 [prɪˈpeə(r) ə rɪˈpɔːt]
  • 准备报告
prepare a reportprepare a report
  1. Two weeks isn 't enough time to prepare a report , so I need your help .


  2. Prepare a report ; prepare a speech .


  3. Entities shall prepare a report in writing on each contract awarded under the provisions of paragraph 1 .


  4. Well , my father-in-law , who is also the managing director of Jayal Motors , has given me two weeks to prepare a report on the possibility of moving into the export market . Ah , now .


  5. In the UK , where plans are well advanced to build up to 11 new reactors over the next 15 years , the government has asked its chief nuclear inspector to prepare a report on the implications of the events in Japan .


  6. The Council unanimously directed city staff to prepare a status report on the project


  7. For example , suppose you need to review the customer files for all invoices for payments due in excess of $ 2500 and prepare a simple report .


  8. For each project you and your partner must prepare a formal report that is structured as a scientific paper .


  9. Charles r.walters , of one of the large banks in New York city , was assigned to prepare a confidential report on a certain corporation .


  10. He says the best Secretary Rice can do on this trip is to prepare a status report for the new Obama administration and show good faith on the part of outgoing President George Bush .


  11. The Permit Holder shall prepare a Contamination Assessment Report ( CAR ) based on the endorsed CAP .


  12. Request the UN Secretary-General to prepare a global status report on noncommunicable diseases , with a particular focus on the developmental challenges faced by developing countries .


  13. In case the issuer needs to publish an interim announcement on material matters occurred , the issuer may engage the credit rating agency to prepare a new rating report at its own discretion or upon the request of the entrusted bonds manager and shall make statements for the same .


  14. Television stations , newspapers and other news media around the globe will routinely prepare multiple versions of a report about an unpredictable event an elections , say , or a court decision so as to be able to get the news out quickly regardless of the result .
